Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just some thoughts

Who would've known i'd feel like this. Caught me a year or two ago i wouldn't have given two shits about God. But over a few months I've come to realize God has been my savior all along and He and only Him has saved me from my torture. He has brought me through my hard times and i would be no where without the love of my heavenly Father. Therefore that is why i want everyone i know to know God and his love. He has saved me from every possible thing i could imagine and he will always be there for you no matter how far away you feel. "Just ask and you shall receive." To me, if you are a good person, what is so wrong and so horrible about just adding to that. Doing the work of God, his son sacrificed himself for us, for our sins. So that we could have everlasting life in heaven with Him and his Father. Why would you not want to spread that love? A love so deep and so pure, so precious. God would sacrifice his flesh and blood for us. He wants us to be happy, he gives us freedom a choice. Yes we don't have to choose him, we don't have to follow him. He gives us a choice because he loves us. But with that choice comes a consequence  You don't choose God, Jesus, than you choose Satan. There is no in between. To me, following God isn't this huge burden. He won't strike you dead or send you straight to Hell for making mistakes for not following everything in the Bible. He knows humans aren't perfect and that we make mistakes. But the whole point is to ask for forgiveness because he will forgive us and take away our burdens.  I make mistakes every day of my life. I'm not way near perfect or an image of Jesus. I curse, have sex and occasionally will do illegal acts. But you know what i'm still learning and i'm still in my walk with God, I admit i have a far way to go but at least i'm trying.

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